Climate & city weather in Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Xinjiang on average, maximun and minimum temperatures and the rainfall yearly, and current conditions to tell the best time to travel China Silk Road Adventure.
Kashgar city travel climate & weather guide: average precipitation & monsoon, max & min temperature, current forecasts the best time to Kashgar...
Turpan city travel climate & weather guide: average precipitation & monsoon, max & min temperature, current forecasts the best time to Turpan...
Urumqi city travel climate & weather guide: average precipitation & monsoon, max & min temperature, current forecasts the best time to Urumqi...
Dunhuang city travel climate & weather guide: average precipitation & monsoon, max & min temperature, current forecasts the best time to Dunhuang...
Lanzhou city travel climate & weather guide: average precipitation & monsoon, max & min temperature, current forecasts the best time to Lanzhou...
Xian city travel climate & weather guide: average precipitation & monsoon, max & min temperature, current forecasts the best time to Xian...